Draft Laois County Development Plan 2021 - 2027

Closed12 Jan, 2021, 09:00 - 23 Mar, 2021, 17:00

Primary tabs

Consultation has now closed. Submissions are available to view under the 'Submissions' tab to the right of this page.

In accordance with Section 12(1)(b) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended), Laois County Council has prepared the Draft Laois County Development Plan 2021 which was adopted at a Special Council Meeting on the 16th December 2020 .

The Draft Plan is accompanied by a Strategic Environmental Report  and an Appropriate Assessment. The Draft Plan also contains a setlement strategy which includes zoning maps for Portlaoise and Mountmellick also.

The Draft Plan, Environmental Reports and the Strategic Flood Risk Assessment, were on public display and available for public inspection from 12th January 2021 to 23rd March 2021 (both dates inclusive) at the following locations:

  • https://consult.laois.ie
  • Planning Office, Laois County Council, Aras an Chontae, JFL Avenue, Portlaoise, Co.Laois (by appointment only during normal opening hours as per Covid-19 Guidelines)
  • All branch Libraries in the County during normal opening hours and subject to Covid -19 restrictions in place at the time.

Public Consultation Webinars

The Planning Department held a series of public webinars throughout the public consultation period in lieu of community meetings due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Each webinar focused on a different topic related to the Draft Plan. Click on the links below to view the presentations.

Click here to view the presentations for the 'Population and Where We Live' Webinar

Click here to view the presentations for the 'Job Creation in the County' Webinar

Click here to view the presentations for the 'Enabling and Servicing Development' Webinar

Click here to view the presentations for the 'Cultural, Built and Natural Heritage' Webinar

Have Your Say...

Observations or submissions regarding the Draft Plan and Environmental Reports were invited from members of the public and other interested parties. Children, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, were invited also to make submissions or observations. 

An observation or submission could be made via the following options only;

  • Online here by registering on https://consult.laois.ie/ 
  • Via email to cdp@laoiscoco.ie; or
  • In writing marked “Draft Laois County Development Plan 2021 - 2027 “to the Senior Planner, Planning Department, Laois County Council, Aras an Chontae, JFL Avenue, Portlaoise, Co Laois.

What is the Draft Laois County Development Plan?

Click on this short animation below to find out more about the Draft Plan

Contact Us

The Forward Planning Team continue to be available for phone queries in relation to the Draft Laois  County Development Plan 2021-2027, during normal opening hours, and are contactable on 057 8664122. Alternatively, general queries in relation to the Draft Plan can be emailed to cdp@laoiscoco.ie


Lobbying is an essential part of the democratic process. It enables or facilitates citizens and organisations to make their views on public policy and public services such as land-use zoning known to politicians and public servants (designated Public Officials). If you are involved in lobbying, you may need to:

  • Register on the Register of Lobbying website which is maintained by Standards Commission: www.lobbying.ie
  • Provide information to the Standards Commission about your lobbying activities three times a year.

Please visit www.lobbying.ie for more information.