Chapter 12 - Land Use Zoning Objectives and Implementation

Closed13 Dec, 2023, 09:00 - 5 Feb, 2024, 17:00

Chapter 12 cover image aeriel view of a town with river and bridge

Aim: To manage and deliver new development in Carlow-Graiguecullen to ensure that it occurs in an orderly and efficient manner and in accordance with proper planning and sustainable development.

12.0     Introduction

Chapter 2 of this JULAP sets out a vision for the future development of Carlow-Graiguecullen which seeks to ensure that the joint urban area “maximises and builds on its Key Town designation, strategic accessible location, regional and inter-regional connectivity, and existing inherent strengths, prioritising quality of life considerations, the economic and employment potential of the town, town centre led urban regeneration, focusing on a low carbon and compact pattern of development, while seeking to conserve and enhance the town’s existing natural and built heritage assets”.  In order to achieve this stated vision, it is important that the policies and objectives of this JULAP are effectively progressed and delivered over the 2024-2030 time period of the plan.

Taking account of the foregoing, the policies and objectives of this JULAP are specific to Carlow-Graiguecullen. However, the overarching county level policies and objectives of the Carlow County Development Plan 2022-2028 and the Laois County Development Plan 2021-2027 will also apply.  In particular, the development management standards for the joint urban area will be applied as follows:

  • For Carlow Town and Carlow Town Environs in the administrative area of Carlow County Council:  Refer to Chapter 16 of the Carlow County Development Plan 2022-2028.
  • For Graiguecullen in the administrative area of Laois County Council:  Refer to Chapter 13 of the Laois County Development Plan 2021-2027.

Where conflict arises between this JULAP and these County Development Plans, the provisions of the respective County Development Plan will take precedence.

12.1     Land Use Zoning Objectives

This section sets out the general land use and zoning objectives for Carlow-Graiguecullen. Guidance on each of the land use zoning categories is provided, as well as the objectives that apply to them.

The primary purpose of land use zoning is to promote the orderly development of the joint urban area.  It is based on a zoning strategy that seeks to:

  • Ensure that sufficient lands are zoned to allow the aims of the Core Strategies in the Carlow County Development Plan and Laois County Development Plan to be realised.
  • Promote particular classes of use in appropriate locations and to assist and provide certainty to the public and communities in accessing the most appropriate locations for new development. 
  • Only consider lands for zoning if there is a likelihood that these lands can be accessed and serviced within the life of the JULAP.
  • Consolidate development in the joint urban area by identifying opportunities for the redevelopment of under-utilised brownfield and infill lands and existing sites and buildings, in order to add vitality to area and to ensure the efficient use of urban lands.
  • Support compact growth in the joint urban area by following the sequential approach in the identification of lands for development.
  • Support the intensification of development on lands in the joint urban area, such as land adjacent or close to public transport nodes and corridors and which contribute to the minimisation of trip generation and distribution.
  • Support the protection and conservation of natural and built heritage assets in the joint urban area.
  • Support community development and recreation.
  • Support climate action, including the policies, objectives, and related provisions in Chapter 11.
  • Promote and support economic development and employment generation in suitable locations.

The land use zoning categories and objectives should be read in conjunction with the Land Use Zoning Map and Objectives Map accompanying this JULAP i.e. Map Refs 12.1 and 12.2.

12.1.1   Land Use Acceptability

This section provides general guidance on the uses that are considered ‘Permitted in Principle’ or ‘Open for Consideration’ within each of the land use zoning categories.  It also provides clarity for uses that are not listed, for existing non-conforming uses, and for the transitional areas between different land use zoning categories.

The guidance provided is not intended to replace the normal planning process.  Therefore, an indication that a use would be ‘Permitted in Principle’ in a particular zoning category should in no way be taken to imply a grant of permission, or that a planning application may necessarily be successful. 

Individual planning applications are a matter for Carlow County Council and Laois County Council to decide upon for their respective administrative areas, taking into consideration the wider policies and objectives that pertain to statutory land use planning, including Development Management standards, ministerial guidelines, and the merits of individual development proposals. In this regard, factors such as making the most efficient use of land, density, height, massing, traffic generation, public health regulations, design criteria, visual amenity, environmental considerations, flooding, and potential nuisance by way of noise, odor or air pollution are also of importance in establishing whether a development proposal conforms to the proper planning and sustainable development of an area.  

Permitted in Principle Uses

Uses that are listed as ‘Permitted in Principle’ are considered to be generally acceptable in the relevant zoning category, subject to normal planning considerations (e.g., design, scale, density, layout, noise, odour, residential amenity, traffic generation, and service arrangements), compliance with the relevant policies, objectives and standards set out in this JULAP, and any relevant ministerial guidelines.

Open for Consideration Uses

Uses that are listed as ‘Open for Consideration’ are uses that are not considered acceptable in principle in all parts of the relevant use zone. However, such uses may be acceptable in circumstances where Carlow County Council or Laois County Council is satisfied that a proposed use would not conflict with the general objectives for a land use zone in their administrative areas and permitted or existing uses as well as being in the interests of the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

Uses Not Listed

Whilst an extensive list of potential land uses in the ‘Permitted in Principle’ and ‘Open for Consideration’ categories has been provided for each of the land use zones, it is recognised that there may be scenarios where there are proposals for uses that are not listed. Where this arises such proposals will be considered on their individual merits, with reference to the most appropriate use of a similar nature that is listed, and taking account of surrounding land uses, the compatibility of the use/development in the area in which it is proposed to locate, compliance with the relevant policy, objectives, standards and requirements as set out in this JULAP, and the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

Non-Conforming Uses

‘Non-conforming uses’ are established uses that do not conform to the zoning objectives of this JULAP. Generally, Carlow County Council and Laois County Council will consider reasonable intensification of extensions to and improvement of premises that accommodate non-conforming uses, provided that it would not be injurious to the amenities of the area and would not prejudice the proper planning and sustainable development of the area.

Transitional Areas

Abrupt transitions in scale and use should generally be avoided adjacent to the boundary of land use zones. Development proposals in transitional areas should seek to avoid development that would be detrimental to the amenities of the contiguous zone.

In zones abutting residential areas, particular attention will be paid to the uses, scale, density, and appearance of development proposals and to landscaping and screening proposals in order to protect the amenities of residential properties. Development abutting amenity and open space will generally facilitate the passive supervision of that space, where possible by fronting onto it.

Material Contravention

Carlow County Council and Laois County Council have a statutory obligation to take such steps as may be necessary to secure the objectives of this JULAP. In appropriate circumstances a material contravention of the JULAP may be permitted. The granting of a planning permission that materially contravenes this JULAP is a reserved function of the Elected Members of Carlow County Council or Laois County Council as appropriate, and exercisable following a public consultation process.

12.1.2   Land Use Zoning Objectives

The following sections detail the objectives and requirements for each of the land use zoning categories. Each of the land use zoning categories has an objective and an explanation which sets the context for the consideration of future development and indicates what land uses would be permitted in principle or open for consideration. The land use classes listed for each zoning category are intended as general guidance and are not exhaustive.  There are 18 categories in total as listed in Table 12.1.  Table 12.2 details the objective and purpose for each land use zoning category, as well as ‘Permitted in Principle Land Uses’ and ‘Open for Consideration Land Uses’.




Town Centre


Existing/Infill Residential


New Residential




Neighbourhood Facilities/Centre


District Centre


Enterprise and Employment


Retail Warehousing


Business and Innovation






Tourism and Leisure






Open Space and Amenity


Demesne Landscape


Transport and Utilities


Strategic Reserve


Table 12.1 – Land Use Zoning Categories








Objective: To protect, provide for and/or improve town centre facilities and uses.

The purpose of this zoning is to protect and enhance the character and vibrancy of the existing town centre and to provide for and strengthen as appropriate retailing, residential, commercial, cultural, tourist and other appropriate uses. It will promote compact growth through the consolidation of development on town centre lands, allowing for a broad range of compatible and complementary uses, which will be encouraged to locate in this area in order to create an attractive environment to reside, shop, work, visit and in which to invest. The appropriate reuse, adaptation, and regeneration of buildings, infill sites, backlands, vacant, derelict and underutilised lands, including residential development, will be encouraged. The full use of upper floors in retail and commercial premises in the town centre for residential use will also be encouraged. Primacy of existing Core Retail Area will be retained and prioritised for any new retail development to enhance its vitality and viability. Retail proposals shall have regard to relevant policies and objectives in the Retail Strategy (Appendix 5) of the Carlow County Development Plan, the Retail Planning Guidelines, and Chapter 4 of this JULAP. Town centre development proposals will be required to be of a high architectural quality, which contributes to a distinct sense of place and public realm, promotes sustainable modes of travel and be appropriate to its location. New commercial and retail uses will be accommodated in town and village centres. The size and scale of any such commercial or retail development shall be reflective of the role and function of the town in the settlement hierarchy.

Dwelling, Guest House/Hotel/Hostel, Restaurant, Public House, Shop (convenience), Shop (comparison), Coffee Shop/Tea Room, Bank/Financial Institution, School, Medical and Related Consultant, Health Centre/Health Care Facility, Nursing Home, Doctor/Dentist etc., Community Facility, Recreational Facility, Civic Use, Cultural Uses, Library, Offices, Live/Work Unit, Car Parks, Cinema, Dancehall, Disco, Place of Worship, Park/Playground, Tourist related facilities, Utility Structures, Funeral Home, Childcare Facilities, Education Facility (Primary, Secondary or Third Level or Training Centre), Neighbourhood Centre, Public Transport Infrastructure.

Amusement Arcade, Car servicing/maintenance garage, Workshop, Petrol Service Station, Car Sales Outlet, Builders Provider, Plant and Tool Hire, Warehouse/Store/Depot, Industry (light), Playing Fields, Takeaway/Fast Food Outlet, Third Level Student Accommodation.



Objective: To protect and improve existing residential amenity; to provide for appropriate infill residential development; to provide for new and improved ancillary services.

The purpose of this zoning is to conserve and enhance the quality and character of established residential communities and protect their amenities. Infill developments, extensions, and the refurbishment of existing dwellings will be considered where they are appropriate to the character and pattern of development in the area and do not significantly affect the amenities of surrounding properties. The strengthening of community facilities and local services will be facilitated subject to the design, scale, and use of the building or development being appropriate for its location.

Dwelling, Community Facilities, Allotments,

Retirement Village, Sheltered Accommodation,

E- Charging Facility, Park/Playground, Recreational/Amenity Open Space.

B&B/Guest House, Restaurant, Shop (convenience), Coffee Shop/Tea Room, School, Medical and Related Consultant, Health Centre, Nursing Home, Recreational Facilities, Playing Fields, Place of Worship, Cultural Uses, Library, Home Based Economic Activities, Tourist related facilities, Childcare Facilities, Adult Education/Literacy/ Basic Education/Youth Reach Facility, Utility Structures.



Objective: To provide for new residential development, supporting community facilities and other facilities and services incidental to residential development.

This is the primary location for new residential neighbourhoods. Any development shall have a high-quality design and layout with an appropriate mix of housing and associated sustainable transport links including walking, cycling, and public transport to local services and facilities. The density of the development shall be reflective of the location of the lands, with consideration for higher densities where appropriate on more centrally located areas close to employment or services, or in strategic locations along public transport networks. In addition to residential development, consideration will also be given to community facilities, retail services and uses that would support the creation of a sustainable neighbourhood; provided such development or uses are appropriate in scale and do not unduly interfere with the predominant residential land use.

Dwelling, Community Facilities, Allotments, Childcare Facilities, E- Charging Facility, Park/Playground, Recreational/Amenity Open Space.


B&B/Guest House, Restaurant, Shop (convenience), Coffee Shop/Tea Room, School, Medical and Related Consultant, Health Centre, Nursing Home, Recreational Facilities, Playing Fields, Place of Worship, Cultural Uses, Home Based Economic Activities, Tourist related facilities, Childcare Facilities, Adult Education/Literacy/ Basic Education/Youth Reach Facility, Utility Structures.










Objective: To protect and improve existing commercial uses within residential areas and provide for additional compatible uses.

The purpose of this zoning is to reflect the established mix of commercial uses within residential areas which have developed historically in areas outside of town centre lands in Carlow Town. Any new development in this zone must not prejudice the viability of established land uses within the zone. Extensions or the redevelopment of existing commercial uses must not impact negatively on neighbouring residential amenity and must be sympathetic to existing surrounding built environment and pattern of development in layout, design, and use of materials and finishes.

Shop (convenience), Car Park,  Dwelling, Childcare Facilities, Petrol Service Station, Restaurant.

Takeaway/Fast-Food Outlet, Medical and Related Consultancy, Offices, Park/Playground, Public House, Recreational Facilities, Community Hall and Sports Hall, Utility Structures, Workshop, Education Facility (Primary, Secondary or Third Level or Training Centre).




Objective:  To provide for and improve local neighbourhood centres and facilities.

It is intended that land zoned for ’Neighbourhood Centre’ or ‘Neighbourhood Facilities’ will be developed to provide an appropriate range of local services including commercial, office, retail and community uses, to support the local community.

Neighbourhood centres may where appropriate, include an element of residential development subject to achieving the protection of residential amenities and compliance with development management standards, residential particularly above ground floor level will be encouraged.

Neighbourhood centres or facilities are intended to serve the immediate needs of a localised catchment i.e. the local working and residential population and complement, rather than compete with similar retail uses within the established town or village centres. Medical clinics, professional offices, childcare facilities (crèche), small convenience stores, local shops and cafes are envisaged for these particular areas. The threshold or floor area proposed for each neighbourhood centre will be assessed in relation to the nature and extent of retail provision in accordance with the current retail strategy, the intended catchment area for the neighbourhood centre and the impact that the proposal may have on the vitality and viability of the established town centre.

No single shop unit shall be greater than. 1,200sqm net floor area.

New neighbourhood centres and facilities shall be of high-quality design in accordance with the development management standards set out in Chapter 16 of the Carlow County Development Plan 2022-2028 or the requirements of the Laois County Development Plan 2021-2027 as may be applicable.


Shop (convenience ≤ 1,200 sqm net.), Café/Tea Room, Restaurant, Dwelling, Health Centre/Clinic, Medical and related Consultancy, Park/Playground, Childcare Facilities, Bring Banks, Digital Innovation Hub/Co-working Space.

Car Park, Community Facility, Cultural Uses, Library, B&B/Guesthouse, Fast-food Takeaway Outlet, Offices, Recreational Facility, Community Hall, Sports Hall and Utility Structures.



Objective: To provide for shopping, commercial, amenity, and community facilities of a scale and type that does not undermine the role, and vitality and viability, of Carlow Town Centre.

The purpose of this zoning is to recognise the established role and functions of the Barrow Valley Retail Park in Graiguecullen in accordance with the requirements of the Retail Planning Guidelines.  The Retail Park provides a comprehensive range of commercial and community services.  The land comprising the Retail Park is built out to its boundary area extents, including the N80 (Northern Relief Road) to the north and west, existing residential areas to the south, and Sleaty Road to the east.  Shopping, commercial, amenity, and community facilities at Barrow Valley Retail Park will be promoted at a scale that does not adversely impact on the retailing and commercial primacy of Carlow Town Centre.

Hotel, Restaurant, Shop (convenience), Shop (comparison), Coffee Shop/Tea Room, Bank/Financial Institution,  Medical and Related Consultant, Health Centre/Health Care Facility, Doctor/Dentist etc., Community Facility, Recreational Facility, Civic Use, Cultural Uses, Library, Offices,  Car Park, Playground, Tourist related facilities, Utility Structures, Childcare Facilities, Public Transport Infrastructure.

Amusement Arcade, Car Sales Outlet, Builders Provider, Plant and Tool Hire, and Warehouse/Store/Depot.



Objective:  To promote and provide for the development of enterprise and employment generating uses.

This zoning provides for the creation of enterprise and employment uses apart from traditional commercial functions that should locate within a town or village core area.  Lands zoned for ‘Enterprise and Employment’ include the use and development of land for high-end research and development, business, science and technology-based industry, financial services, call centres/telemarketing, software development, enterprise and incubator units, small/medium manufacturing, corporate offices in high quality campus/park type development. This zoning also provides for ‘walk to’ support facilities such as canteen, restaurant or crèche services which are integrated into employment units and are of a nature and scale to serve the needs of employees on the campus.

This zoning does not include general retail, retail park outlets and heavy industrial undertakings.

It is intended that such developments will have high quality architectural design and landscaping, and associated transportation infrastructure such as car and bicycle parking may also be required as part of any development proposal.

High-end research and development, business, science and technology-based industry, financial services, call centres/telemarketing, software development, enterprise and incubator units, small/medium manufacturing, corporate offices, office based enterprise.


Restaurant, Public House, Shop (convenience), School,  Adult Education/literacy/basic education/youth reach facility Community Facility, Childcare Facilities, Recreational Facilities, Community Hall and Sports Hall, Cultural Uses, Library,  Medical and Related Consultant, Health Centre/Health Care Facility, Petrol Service Station, Car Sales, Car servicing /maintenance garage, Cinema, Funeral Home, Heavy Commercial Vehicle Parks, Warehouse, Store, Depot, Industry, Industry (light), Workshops, Playing Fields, Place of Worship, Park/Playground, Tourist Related Facilities, Utility Structures.



Objective: To consolidate retail park and retail warehousing development.

These areas are dedicated to the sale of bulky goods requiring extensive showroom space and with common car parking areas. A retail warehouse can comprise a large single-level store specialising in the sale of bulky household goods such as carpets, furniture and electrical goods, and bulky DIY items, catering mainly for car-borne customers.

These areas are provided for outside of the town centre because of their size, access, and parking requirements. Units measuring less than 700sq.m. are not suitable within areas zoned for retail warehousing as these may be more suitable for town centre locations.

Retail Warehouse, Sale of Bulky Goods, Car Park, Car Sales Outlet, Factory Outlet Stores, Garden Centre, Utility Structures.

Cash and Carry/Wholesale Warehousing, Takeaway/Fast Food Outlet, Restaurant, Drive Thru Restaurant, Café/Tea Room, Childcare Facilities.



Objective:  Provide for high-technology related office-based industry.

The main purpose of this zoning objective is to promote and encourage the provision of high technology industry, office-based industry, and start-up business units, in which research, innovation and development play a significant part and which lead to and accommodate the commercial production of a high technology output.

High technology industries include software development, information technology, telemarketing commercial research and development, data processing, publishing and media recording and media associated activities.

General Offices where each office unit is in excess of 200sq m will also be acceptable in principle on sites zoned for Business and Innovation.

The layout of new employment sites will have to have regard for alternative sustainable modes of transport and mobility management. Site layout should emphasise the necessary connections to the wider local and strategic public transport, walking and cycling networks. A high standard of landscaping will be required in association with the development of these lands.

Offices, Office-Based Enterprise, Science/Technology Based Enterprise, Training Centre, Wet Laboratories, Call Centre, Car Park, Laboratory Research.

Childcare Facilities, Playground, Conference Centre, Enterprise Incubator Units, Industry (light), Recreational Facility, Community Hall and Sports Hall, Playing Fields, Restaurant, Café, Shop (local convenience), Utility Structures.



Objective:  To provide for industrial development and ancillary office use.

This zoning provides for general and specialised industrial uses, associated with high inputs of energy, water and materials and the management of environmental emissions including noise, dust, and odour.  Other uses ancillary or similar to industrial uses will be considered in this zone on their merits.

Industry, industry (light), manufacturing, science and technology-based industry, ancillary office, car park, workshops, garages/panel beating/car repairs, plant storage.

Agri. Business, research and development, bring banks/civic amenity, science and technology enterprise, training centre, warehouse, store, depot, utility structures and facilities, petrol service station, heavy commercial vehicle parks.





Objective:  To protect and provide for community and educational facilities.

The purpose of this zoning is to provide for and safeguard community, educational and civic facilities and uses which contribute to the creation of viable and sustainable communities, including health care, childcare, schools, places of worship, community facilities, recreational facilities, and ancillary neighbourhood uses and services.

Education Facility (Primary, Secondary or Third Level or Training Centre), Childcare/Creche/Playschool, Cultural Uses, Library, Health Centre/Health Care Facility, Cemetery, Medical and related Consultancy, Nursing Home, Park/Playground, Place of Worship, Playing Fields, Recreational Facilities, Community Hall and Sports Hall.


Car Park, Offices, Restaurant, Café/Tea Room, Shop (convenience), Cinema, Dancehall, Disco, Warehouse/Store/Depot, Workshop, Utility Structures, Funeral Home, Residential Institution, Utility Structures.



Objective:  To provide for and enhance tourism and leisure facilities.

The purpose of this zoning is to provide for the use of land for the provision of tourism and leisure facilities and uses. This includes tourist attractions, cultural facilities, tourist amenities, services, and accommodation. Development that contributes to the enjoyment of recreation or leisure activity will also be considered.

Agri-Tourism, B&B/Guest House, Hotel/Hostel/Aparthotel, Tourist Accommodation, Coffee Shop/Tea Room, Conference/Event Centre, Craft Centre /Shop, Cycleway/Walkway trails, Recreational/Amenity Open Space, Recreational Facility, Community Hall and Sports Hall, Restaurant, Tourist Facility, Cultural Use, Park/Playground, Childcare Facilities, Adult Education/literacy/ basic education/youth reach facility.


Dwelling, Public House, Shop (comparison), Community Facility, Offices, Car park, Cinema, Dancehall, Disco, Industry (light), Workshops, Takeaway/Fast Food Outlet, Utility Structures.



Objective:  To provide for resort uses.

The purpose of this zoning is to provide for leisure and recreational facilities and associated infrastructure.

B&B/Guest House, Hotel/Hostel/Aparthotel, Tourist Accommodation, Coffee Shop/Tea Room, Conference/Event Centre, Craft Centre /Shop, Cycleway/Walkway trails, Recreational/Amenity Open Space, Recreational Facility, Leisure Facility, Restaurant, Tourist Facility, Cultural Use, Park/Playground, Childcare Facilities, Adult Education/literacy/ basic education/youth reach facility.


Public House, Shop (comparison), Community Facility, Offices, Car park, Cinema, Dancehall, Disco, Workshops, Takeaway/Fast Food Outlet, Utility Structures.



Objective:  To retain and protect agricultural uses.

The purpose of this zoning is to ensure the retention of agricultural uses and protect them from urban sprawl and ribbon development. Uses which are directly associated with agriculture or which would not interfere with this use are open for consideration. This includes limited housing for persons who can demonstrate compliance with the rural housing criteria in Chapter 3, tourism related projects such as tourist caravan parks or campsites and amenity uses such as playing fields, or parks.

Park/Playground, Playing Fields, Cattle shed/Slatted Unit, Agricultural effluent storage facilities, Broiler House, Stable Yard, Utility Structures, Agri-Tourism, Cemetery.  

Dwelling, Recreational Facilities, Community Hall and Sports Hall, Tourist related Facilities, Tourist Camping Site, Caravan Park, Guesthouse, Childcare / Creche/Playschool.









Objective:  To protect, provide for and enhance open space, amenity facilities, and recreational uses.  

The areas included in this zoning objective cover both private and public open space and are dispersed throughout towns and villages, as well as riparian zones and environmental buffers. The aims of this land use-zoning objective include;

  • to protect residential amenity in housing developments;
  • to protect, improve and provide for recreation, open space, and amenity provision;
  • to protect, improve and maintain public open space;
  • to preserve private open space, and
  • to provide recreational and community facilities.

The Council will not normally permit development that would result in a loss of open space within town and villages except where compensatory open space is provided to service the community affected in an appropriate location.

Existing agricultural uses in open space areas will continue to be permitted, and reasonable development proposals in relation to this use will be considered on their merits.

Park/Playground, Playing Fields, Walkway/Cycleway Trails, Recreational Open Space and Amenity.

School, Childcare Facility, Community Facility, Recreational Facility, Community Hall and Sports Hall, Cultural Uses, Car Park, Tourist related Facility, Utility Structures.



Objective:  To protect and conserve the special character  of demesne landscapes and provide for research activities.

These areas, including Oak Park Demesne and Browneshill Demesne, usually consist of expansive areas of mostly agricultural lands punctuated by individual fine specimen mature trees, stands of trees and mature hedgerow, and are often characterised by historic boundary walls and field patterns laid out in association with a demesne house. The purpose of this zoning is to conserve the special character of these demesne landscapes by retaining their open character along with the associated field and planting patterns. The undertaking of scientific research is also provided for within this zoning category.

Field Research and Data Collection, Playground, Cycleway/Walkway trails, Recreational Open Space and Amenity, Recreational Facilities, Restaurant/Café.

Car park, Cemetery, Community Facility, Cultural Use, Enterprise and Incubator Units, Laboratory Research, Wet Laboratories, Office-Based Enterprise, Science/Technology Based Enterprise, Garden Centre, Training Centre.



Objective:  To provide for transport infrastructure and public utilities.

This zoning identifies lands associated with the provision of transport infrastructure and public utilities such as road, rail, electricity, gas, telecommunications, broadband, and water, wastewater infrastructure etc.  The nature of these facilities is such that the use of the lands is dedicated to the provision and maintenance of such uses. 

Car parks and commercial development associated with the provision of public transport services are considered appropriate in this zoning.

This zoning also provides for and preserves land in the ownership of Carlow County Council, Laois County Council, or other bodies charged with the provision of services such as electricity, telecommunications, water, wastewater etc.

Car Park, Park and Ride Facilities, Public Transport Infrastructure (Rail/Bus), Utility Structures and Facilities.

Industry (light), Warehouse/Store/Depot.



Objective:  To provide a land reserve for the orderly development and future expansion of the towns and villages into the future.

Regarding lands included in the ‘Strategic Reserve’ land bank, it is important to highlight that the inclusion of such lands will not in any way infer a prior commitment on the part of the Council regarding their future zoning in a subsequent development plan. Such a decision will be considered within the framework of national and regional population targets applicable at that time and proper planning and sustainable development.


Agriculture, Park/Playground, Playing Fields, Utility Structures, Walkway/Cycleway Trails, Recreational Open Space and Amenity.


12.1.3   Definition of Key Use Classes


Use of land or buildings for the purposes set out in Section 2 (1) "agriculture" of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended)

Bed and Breakfast

A dwelling house of which part of the bedroom accommodation is available for overnight rental by members of the public and breakfast may be provided as part of the service but not other meals.


Including a residential unit such as a house or apartment. 


A building or part thereof or land (not being part of a public road) used for the parking of mechanically propelled vehicles, excluding heavy commercial vehicles.


Land used as a burial ground.

Cash and Carry

A building or part thereof or land used for the sale of goods in bulk to traders on a cash-and-carry basis.


“Childcare” is taken to mean full day care and sessional facilities and services for pre-school and school-going children out of school hours. It includes services involving care, education, and socialisation opportunities for children. Thus services such as pre-schools, day care services, crèches, playgroups, childminding and after school groups are included, but schools (primary, secondary and special) and residential centres for children are excluded.

Place of Worship

Any structure habitually used as a place of public worship or for religious instruction. Where a building or part of a building, on the same site as a place of public worship or on an adjoining site, is used in connection with that place of public worship, such a use shall be deemed to be a related use.

Community Facility

A building or part thereof used for (community) activities organised primarily by the local community and to which the public may be admitted on payment of a charge or free of charge.

Crèche or Playschool

Use of a building or part of a building for the provision of day care facilities for the minding and training of children below primary school entry age.

Sessional: The provision of a service which offers a planned programme to pre-school children for between 2 and 3.5 hours per day on two or more occasions per week by trained personnel. Sessional services include playschools and Montessori schools.

Full Day Care: The provision of a structured day care service for children for more than 3.5 hours per day, supervised by trained personnel. This would include playschools, Montessori schools, crèche nurses and after school care.

Cultural Use

Use of a building or part thereof or land for cultural purposes to which the public may be admitted on payment of a charge or free of charge.


A building or part thereof where the primary function is the provision of dancing facilities.


The use of a building or part thereof or land as a school, college, technical institute, academy, lecture hall or other educational centre. Where a building or part of a building on the same site as an educational building or on an adjoining site is designed for use or used as a residence for the staff or the pupils of that educational building such a use shall be deemed to be educational.

Funeral Home

A building or part of a building used for the storage, preparation and laying of human remains, the holding of burial services and the assembling of funerals.

Garden Centre

The use of land, including buildings, for the cultivation, storage and/or the display and sale of horticultural products and the display and sale of related goods and equipment.

Guest House

A building or part thereof where sleeping accommodation and meal services are generally available to residents only.

Health Centre

A building or part thereof or land used for the provision of local medical or social assistance services for the local community and including group practices and clinics.

Home Based Economic Activity

Service type activities carried on for profit by the occupier of a dwelling, such use being subordinate to the use of the dwelling as a residence.

Industry (light)

The use of a building or part thereof or land for industry (not being a special industry) in which the processes carried on or the machinery installed are such as could be carried on or installed in any residential area without detriment to the amenity of that area by reason of noise, vibration, smell, fumes, smoke, soot, ash, dust or grit and may include a service garage but not a petrol station.


A building in which the sole or principal use is the undertaking of professional, administrative, financial, marketing or clerical work, including services provided principally to visiting members of the public.

Open Space

Any land, whether enclosed or not, on which there are no buildings or of which not more than one-twentieth is covered with buildings and the whole of the remainder of which is laid out as a garden or is used for purposes of recreation or lies waste and unoccupied.

Petrol Service Station

A structure or land used for the purpose of the selling by retail of petrol, fuel oils, lubricating oils and liquefied petroleum gas generally for use in motor vehicles. It does not include a service garage or motor sales outlet. Petrol service stations can provide a wide range of retail goods in an associated shop. In general, these shops should remain secondary to the use as a petrol filling station.

Public House

A building or part thereof or land licensed for the sale of intoxicating liquor to the public for consumption on the premises.

Recreational Facility

A building or part of a building which may be available to the public on payment of a charge or free of charge in the use of which no excessive noise is produced and which may contain a theatre, a cinema, an art gallery or exhibition hall (other than for trading purposes), an assembly hall, a social centre, a community centre, a swimming pool, a bowling alley or a squash centre but may or shall exclude dance halls, band halls, discotheques or similar uses. It may also include facilities for other physical activities in the form of structured games or play for the purpose of recreation or amusement.


A building or part thereof where the primary function is the sale of meals and refreshments for consumption on the premises.

Retail Parks

A single development of at least three retail warehouses with associated car parking.

Retail Warehouse

A large single-level store specialising in bulky household goods such as carpets, furniture, electrical goods, and bulky DIY items, catering mainly for car-borne customers.

Shop (convenience)

Goods based retail classification for shop selling convenience goods, examples of which include food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, tobacco and non-durable household goods.

Shop (comparison)

Goods based retail classification for shop selling comparison goods, examples of which include clothing and footwear, furniture, furnishings and household equipment (excluding non-durable household goods), medical and pharmaceutical products, therapeutic appliances and equipment, educational and recreation equipment and accessories.


A building or part thereof where goods are stored prior to distribution and sale elsewhere.

Wholesale Outlet

A building or part thereof or land used for the sale of goods by wholesale to traders only. Processing and manufacturing of such goods is excluded.


A building in which goods are manufactured or repaired.

12.2     Implementation and Monitoring

12.2.1   Introduction

Carlow County Council and Laois County Council are committed to the continuous process of implementing and monitoring the policies and objectives contained in this JULAP and will occupy a leadership role in progressing same. 

Many policies and objectives in the JULAP relate to development management processes, which can be implemented through established internal procedures in Carlow County Council and Laois County Council.  The intention of other policies and objectives in the JULAP can be wide-ranging, and for this reason their successful implementation can necessitate a collaborative approach with a range of agencies and stakeholders, including local communities, governmental and non-governmental bodies and agencies, and adjoining local authorities.   

It should also be noted that there are policies and objectives aimed at supporting an intended outcome, rather than being the direct means of delivering the outcome.  In this regard, the implementation of policies and objectives in the JULAP, including the desired planning outcomes, can be subject to external factors such as the availability of resources, political support, and economic circumstances in terms of funding in both County Councils and the availability of capital from other sources.

Carlow County Council’s and Laois County Council’s Planning Departments are primarily responsible for implementing and monitoring the JULAP for their administrative areas through their forward planning and development management functions.  However, the cross-functional content of the JULAP is such that it also coordinates the policies and objectives of the Councils’ other internal departments, such as their Transportation Departments, Environment Departments, Housing Departments, Community Departments, and Local Enterprise Offices.  In addition, the scope of certain objectives in the JULAP can be such that external bodies such as Uisce Éireann, the Environmental Protection Agency, the OPW, or Transport Infrastructure Ireland, can be responsible for their implementation.  

In the preparation and drafting of this JULAP every effort has been made, as far as is practicable, to formulate policies and objectives that are specific, measurable, achievable, and realistic.  The policies and objectives in the JULAP have all also been formulated with the aim of fulfilling the Vision for Carlow-Graiguecullen included in Chapter 2, including the cross-cutting themes which underpin the JULAP and the Strategic Objectives, as set out in Chapter 2 (See also Table 12.2 below).  The Strategic Objectives in the JULAP are themselves broadly aligned with the:

  • National Strategic Outcomes of the NPF;
  • Regional Strategic Outcomes of the RSES’ for the Southern Region and the Eastern and Midlands Region;
  • Carlow County Development Plan 2022-2028 and the Laois County Development Plan 2021-2027; and,
  • United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Table 12.2: Strategic Objectives

SO. 1:

Town Centre Led Urban Regeneration

Encourage and support town centre led urban regeneration for Carlow-Graiguecullen, focusing on the appropriate redevelopment and reuse of key derelict, vacant and underutilised sites and buildings, the consolidation of the town through the use of brownfield, infill and backland sites, the conservation of historic building stock, and the implementation of streetscape and public realm improvements. 

SO. 2:

Economic Development and Employment

Encourage and facilitate balanced economic development and employment opportunities in Carlow-Graiguecullen, ensuring a vibrant local economy that maximises business and investment opportunities and the existing economic attributes of the town, and supports the development of a diverse range of economic sectors.

SO. 3:

Urban Design

Improve the public realm and attractiveness of Carlow-Graiguecullen through the delivery of high-quality urban design outcomes, taking account of the need to respond to the social and physical characteristics of the existing built environment and those features that should be protected and/or enhanced by, and inform, new development. 

SO. 4:

Sustainable Travel and Transport

Prioritise integrated transport and land use, supported by investment in public transport, active travel networks and shared, low-carbon mobility options, which will improve people’s travel choices and support safe, sustainable, and healthy lifestyles.

SO. 5:

Housing and Communities

Promote Carlow-Graiguecullen as a priority location for regional level community and social infrastructure and support the expansion and enhancement of existing community facilities, the provision of residential development, and a range of new community facilities in tandem with population growth to meet the needs of future residents in the joint urban area.

SO. 6:

Climate Action

Transition Carlow-Graiguecullen to a low-carbon and climate resilient town through a combination of effective mitigation and adaptation measures, in addition to maximising opportunities for energy efficiency, renewables, and decarbonisation.

SO. 7:

Protection of Natural and Built Heritage

Manage the development of Carlow-Graiguecullen in a manner that protects, conserves, and enhances the natural and built heritage of the area. 

SO. 8:

Arts, Culture and Tourism

Support the development of, and investment in new and existing arts, culture and tourism infrastructure and amenities in Carlow-Graiguecullen.

12.2.2   Implementation

The implementation of the JULAP will be achieved in a number of different ways, including:

  • The application of the policies, objectives, standards, and related provisions in the assessment of planning applications for permissions, including local authority development.  In view of the cross-cutting and multi-faceted scope of many of the policies and objectives in the JULAP, they will contribute to the achievement of multiple Strategic Objectives in the Plan, which are themselves interconnected.  
  • The integration of the strategies, policies, and objectives of the Carlow County Development Plan 2022-2028 and the Laois County Development Plan 2021-2027 with the JULAP.
  • Investment in infrastructure and environmental services that underpin the policies and objectives of the JULAP.  The Strategic Objectives in the Plan, and the Core Strategies in the County Development Plans, establish the priorities for the provision and improvement of infrastructure and environmental services by the Carlow County Council and Laois County Council, and by other agencies, subject to the availability of funding. 
  • The ongoing monitoring of the strategies, policies, and objectives in the JULAP as appropriate.
  • Identifying the need for any adjustments to strategies, policies, and objectives over the  lifetime of the JULAP, as appropriate, and in future reviews.

12.2.3   Funding

The fulfilment of policies and objectives in the JULAP, including strategies or projects, will be dependent on capital funding from the Government and other state agencies.  The funds of Carlow County Council and Laois County Council are allocated and adopted under the annual budgets for each local authority.

12.2.4   Development Contributions

Development contributions for the provision of infrastructure and services such as roads, footpaths, surface water drainage, amenity and open space provision, will be applied as appropriate to development proposals granted permission.  The details and basis for the determination of the contributions are set out in the respective Development Contributions Schemes for Carlow County Council and Laois County Council, which are adopted in accordance with Section 48 of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended).  

12.2.5   Other Sources of Funding

Other sources of funding that will assist in the implementation of policies and objectives in the JULAP include:

  • Rural and Urban Regeneration Funds (RRDF and URDF):  These funds arise from the National Development Plan in support of the National Planning Framework (NPF) and other national strategies and are available to support the implementation of local authority developments plans and local economic and community plan objectives.  The types of projects eligible for funding include measures to address building vacancy and refurbishment, public realm improvements, enabling infrastructure, and sustainable mobility.

  • Climate Action Fund:  This aims to support initiatives that contribute to the achievement of Ireland’s climate and energy targets.

  • Smarter Travel and Active Travel Funding:  Funding allocated by the National Transport Agency NTA) to support area-based transport assessments, local transport plans, and sustainable transport projects.

  • Uisce Éireann Capital Investment Funding: Funding for new and upgraded water and wastewater infrastructure e.g., wastewater treatment plants.

  • Small Towns and Villages Growth Programme:  Uisce Eireann funding to support growth in small towns and villages through upgrades to wastewater treatment plants.

  • National Biodiversity Funding and Grant:  Funding to support local authority biodiversity plans and projects. 

  • Public Private Partnership: Involves a partnership agreement between the public and private sectors for the delivery of specific projects relating to public services and infrastructure. Such approaches ensure a commitment to funding due to interlinked public and private assistance and aims at ensuring the most economically efficient manner of development.

12.3     Environmental Monitoring

Article 10 of the SEA Directive requires monitoring of the significant environmental effects of the implementation of this JULAP in order to identify, at an early stage, unforeseen adverse effects and to enable appropriate remedial action to be undertaken. While the ongoing implementation of the policies and objectives of the JULAP and the monitoring processes detailed above incorporates some monitoring of environment related objectives, the full and comprehensive monitoring and evaluation assessment, required to be undertaken under Article 10 of the SEA Directive, is set out in the Strategic Environmental Assessment included in Appendix I.  

Map 12.1 Land Use Zoning

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Map 12.2 Objectives map

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