Chapter 12 - Land Use Zoning Objectives and Implementation
Section 12.1.2 Land Use Zoning Objectives
Amendment No. 49 Amend table 12.1 ‘Land Use Zoning Objectives’ (page 212), additional text in green.
Ref |
Land Use Zoning Category |
Objective and Purpose |
Permitted in Principle Uses |
Open for Consideration Uses |
K |
Community/Education |
Objective: To protect and provide for community and educational facilities.
The purpose of this zoning is to provide for and safeguard community, educational and civic facilities and uses which contribute to the creation of viable and sustainable communities, including health care, childcare, schools, places of worship, community facilities, recreational facilities, and ancillary neighbourhood uses and services. |
Education Facility (Primary, Secondary or Third Level or Training Centre), Childcare/Creche/Playschool, Cultural Uses, Library, Health Centre/Health Care Facility, Cemetery, Medical and related Consultancy, Nursing Home, Park/Playground, Place of Worship, Playing Fields, Recreational Facilities, Community Hall and Sports Hall, Purpose Built and Managed Student accommodation (on 3rd level owned campus locations within the community / educational zone). |
Car Park, Offices, Restaurant, Café/Tea Room, Shop (convenience), Cinema, Dancehall, Disco, Warehouse/Store/Depot, Workshop, Utility Structures, Funeral Home, Residential Institution, Utility Structures. |
Section 12.3 Environmental Monitoring
Amendment No. 50 Insert additional text in green in Chapter 12 ‘Land Use Zoning Objectives and Implementation’ in Section 12.3 ‘Environmental Monitoring’ (page 231) for an additional policy, new text in green.
It is the policy of Carlow County Council and Laois County Council to:
IM. P1: Implement in conjunction with key stakeholders, the policies and objectives of this Local Area Plan and to review the success or otherwise of the implementation of policies and objectives with reference to Section 10.3 of the Development Plan Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2022), Section 6.5 of Local Area Plans Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2013) and Chapter 16 of the Carlow County Development Plan 2022 – 2028 and Chapter 14 of the Laois County Development Plan 2021-2027.
Amendment No. 51 Insert new Table Implementation and Monitoring (page 230)
Objective |
Implementation |
Chapter 3 – Core Strategy and Housing |
Policy HS. P2: Provide for existing unmet housing need as identified by the Carlow County Council and Laois County Council social housing needs assessments through the provision of social and affordable housing using a range of delivery mechanisms.
To be progressed and delivered during the lifetime of the plan subject to available resources and funding, through the use of Part V, direct provision by Carlow County Council and Laois County Council, and through other delivery mechanisms including Approved Housing Bodies, use of vacant properties and properties in need of repair through the Repair and Lease Scheme, Buy and Renew Scheme, and through short and long-term leases by the Councils with private landlords. |
Policy HS. P3: Provide social and affordable housing to meet forecasted future housing need over the period of this JULAP as identified in the HNDAs adopted as part of the Carlow County Development Plan and Laois County Development Plan. New units shall be delivered having regard to the aims and policies of the Core Strategies contained in these County Development Plans and the needs of local communities, including the need to deliver sustainable development, compact growth, social integration and an appropriate mix of housing types and tenures. Social and affordable housing shall be delivered through a range of mechanisms including provision directly by Carlow County Council and Laois County Council, by Approved Housing Bodies, Repair and Lease Scheme, Buy and Renew and through short- and long-term leases arranged by the Councils with private landlords. |
To be progressed and delivered during the lifetime of the plan and subject to available resources and funding. |
Objective HS. O1: Promote the provision of social housing in Carlow-Graiguecullen in accordance with the Housing Strategies/HNDAs and Housing Delivery Action Plans for Carlow County Council and for Laois County Council, and Government Policy as outlined in ‘Housing for All – A New Housing Plan for Ireland’ and any future strategies.
Refer to HS. P2 and HS. P3 above. |
Objective CS. O1: Encourage and support urban regeneration in Carlow-Graiguecullen, and in Carlow Town through the implementation and delivery of the objectives of Project Carlow 2040 – A Vision for Regeneration and pursue suitable funding mechanisms as they arise to bring forward the realisation of the Strategy. |
Is the subject of ongoing incremental delivery by Carlow County Council, to be progressed during the lifetime of the plan and beyond, and subject to resources and the availability of suitable funding mechanisms. |
Objective CS. O2: Monitor the scale, type, tenure, and location of constructed and permitted development in Carlow-Graiguecullen during the lifetime of this JULAP and apply appropriate development management standards to development proposals to ensure compliance with the Core Strategies in the Carlow County Development Plan and Laois County Development Plan, to achieve the delivery of strategic plan-led and coordinated development within the joint urban area.
The monitoring of constructed and permitted residential development will be undertaken during the lifetime of the plan. |
Objective CS. O8: Promote and support the role of active land management measures in the redevelopment of buildings and land in Carlow-Graiguecullen in need of regeneration, including the use of statutory powers available through the Derelicts Sites Act, Housing Act, Urban Regeneration and Housing Act, and Residential Zoned Land Tax, together with the role of the Town Centre First Policy, Town Regeneration Officers, Croí Cónaithe (Towns), and Vacant Homes Officer. |
To be progressed and delivered during the lifetime of the plan subject to available resources and funding, including through the provisions of the Derelict Sites Act, Housing Act, Urban Regeneration and Housing Act, and Residential Zoned Land Tax, together with the role of the Town Centre First Policy, Town Regeneration Officers, Croí Cónaithe (Towns), and Vacant Homes Officer. |
Chapter 4 – Economic Development, Retail and Tourism |
Objective EE. O1: Support the preparation of new Local Economic and Community Plans (LECPs) for County Carlow and County Laois to ensure the local level framework is in place for the joint urban area to support economic growth and community improvements. |
The preparation of new LECPs for County Carlow has recently been approved with the Laois LECP due for adoption Q1 of 2024. The LECPs will be progressed and adopted during the lifetime of this plan. |
Objective EE. O2: Seek to advance and secure the implementation of Project Carlow 2040 - A Vision for Regeneration through the development of the strategic Intervention Areas in the strategy, to drive the economic development of Carlow Town as an investment location. |
Will be subject to ongoing incremental delivery by Carlow County Council, to be progressed during the lifetime of the plan and beyond, and subject to resources and the availability of suitable funding mechanisms. |
Objective RT. O12: Support and facilitate further public realm upgrades within Carlow Town Centre, particularly along Dublin Street and Tullow Street, which would benefit from enhanced landscaping and pavement improvements. The provision of street furniture such as benches, and the delivery of the 30km/hr zone will enhance the experience, safety and comfort of pedestrians living in, studying, working, and visiting the Town Centre. |
Delivery of enhanced landscaping works and pavement improvements to be progressed during the lifetime of the plan and subject to available resources and funding. |
TD. O1: Support, promote and maximise the role of Carlow Town as a designated Ireland’s Ancient East ‘Destination Town’, and to engage with Fáilte Ireland in developing and promoting future tourism initiatives in the town, including enhancement of public space, the development of a way finding project and welcome signage, transport links, accommodation, the night-time economy, and the sustainable development of our natural and built heritage, in order to capitalise on the potential benefit of the funding for the town. |
To be progressed during the lifetime of the plan, and subject to resources and the availability of suitable funding mechanisms. |
Chapter 5 – Urban Design, Town Centre and Regeneration |
Policy UVD. P1: Encourage and facilitate the appropriate regeneration and reuse of underutilised, vacant, and derelict buildings and sites. Both Councils will continue to use their statutory powers, where appropriate, to consider such buildings and sites for inclusion in the Residential Zoned Land Tax or Register of Derelict Sites.
To be progressed during the lifetime of the plan, and subject to resources and the availability of suitable funding mechanisms. |
Objective URD. O1: Support and facilitate the implementation of the Project Carlow 2040 – A Vision for Regeneration as set out in its Regeneration Action Plan and Urban Design and Implementation Plan, and actively seek further funding from relevant agencies and Government sources including the Urban Regeneration and Development Fund (URDF) to secure financial support for all regeneration and urban development projects in Carlow Town. |
Is the subject of ongoing incremental delivery by Carlow County Council, to be progressed during the lifetime of the plan and beyond, and subject to resources and the availability of suitable funding mechanisms. |
Chapter 6 – Sustainable Travel and Transportation |
Objective W. O1: Support and facilitate the delivery of new and improved walking and cycling network in Carlow-Graiguecullen, which delivers permeability enhancements and connections where appropriate as identified in the Local Transport Plan (LTP) and in Figures 6.4 and 6.5, in conjunction with the National Transport Authority, other statutory agencies, and relevant stakeholders. Final design details shall be subject to appropriate environmental assessment and undergo a separate public consultation process where applicable. |
To be progressed during the lifetime of the plan, subject to final detailed design for suitably identified locations, separate public consultation where applicable, resources and the availability of suitable funding mechanisms, including NTA funding, and through delivery in tandem with development proposals on suitable privately-owned sites. |
Objective PT. O1: Support and facilitate the delivery of the preferred public transport improvements identified in the Local Transport Plan (LTP) to make public transport travel in Carlow-Graiguecullen a more accessible, convenient, attractive, and viable transport option.
To be progressed during the lifetime of the plan, subject to final detailed design for suitably identified locations, separate public consultation where applicable, and resources and the availability of suitable funding mechanisms, including NTA funding. |
Objective PT. O2: Seek the delivery of a transport node in the immediate vicinity of Carlow Railway Station, facilitating integration of local bus services and private transport modes with the rail network which will facilitate easy exchange between modes and / or routes. |
The delivery of this objective will necessitate continued engagement with Iarnród Éireann, which will be progressed during the lifetime of the plan. |
Objective RI. O1: Support and facilitate the delivery of the preferred road infrastructure improvements identified in the Local Transport Plan (LTP) and Figure 6.8, with associated benefits for sustainable travel and transport and multi-modal solutions. |
Refer to Objective PT. O1 above. |
Objective RI. O2: Support and facilitate the planning, design, and completion of the Carlow Southern Relief Road N80-R448 including a new bridge crossing over the River Barrow, to enhance connectivity between the South-East and Midlands Regions, and to address and alleviate traffic management considerations thereby making a positive contribution to the local economy and urban environment of Carlow-Graiguecullen. |
The planning and design of the Carlow Southern Relief Road N80-R448 as detailed in this objective will be progressed during the lifetime of the plan. The completion of the relief road is envisioned as a longer-term objective. |
Objective PK. O1: Support and facilitate the delivery of the preferred car parking options identified in the Area Based Transport Assessment (ABTA). |
Refer to Objective PT. O1 above.
Chapter 8 – Sustainable Communities |
Objective SCF. O1: Deliver the Tullow Road Community Hub subject to the availability of financing and compliance with all planning and environmental criteria.
The Tullow Road Community Hub has been approved through the Part 8 process. The delivery of the Part 8 development is to be progressed during the lifetime of the plan, subject to resources and the availability of funding. |
Policy CF. P1: Encourage and support the provision of childcare facilities to support new and existing communities in Carlow-Graiguecullen and as an integral part of proposals for new residential developments in the joint urban area. Carlow and Laois County Councils will have regard to the DEHLG’s Childcare Facilities Guidelines for Planning Authorities (2001) and any future revisions or updates to these Guidelines in relation to the provision of childcare facilities. |
Childcare facilities permitted as part of new residential or commercial development shall be constructed in tandem with the overall schemes. |
Objective SR. O1: Deliver the River Barrow Water Activity Centre subject to the availability of financing and compliance with all planning and environmental criteria.
The proposed River Barrow Water Activity Centre has been approved through the Part 8 process. The delivery of the Part 8 development is to be progressed during the lifetime of the plan, subject to resources and the availability of funding.
Objective SR. O2: Deliver the redevelopment of Hanover Park, including the provision of accessible and inclusive playground, mountain bike pump track, and mini basketball court, subject to the availability of financing and compliance with all planning and environmental criteria.
The proposed redevelopment of Hanover Park has been approved by An Bord Pleanala under Section 177(AE) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 (as amended). The delivery of the Part 8 development is to be progressed during the lifetime of the plan, subject to resources and the availability of funding. |
Objective AC. O1: Support the re-development and extension of Carlow Central Library, subject to the availability of resources and finance, and compliance with proper planning and environmental considerations.
The proposed re-development and extension of Carlow Central Library has been approved through the Part 8 process. The delivery of the Part 8 development is to be progressed during the lifetime of the plan, subject to resources and the availability of funding. |
Chapter 9 – Built Heritage |
Objective HR. O1: Support, in conjunction with key stakeholders, the preparation and implementation of a Heritage-Led Regeneration Plan for Carlow Town in accordance with the Historic Towns Initiative and relevant funding sources, and its role in the conservation, enhancement and interpretation of built heritage, and the reuse of vacant historic buildings. |
Carlow County Council commenced the preparation of a Historic Towns Initiative Plan for Carlow Town in 2023. The Historic Towns Initiative Plan will be delivered during the lifetime of this plan, subject to resources and the availability of funding. |
Chapter 10 – Natural Heritage, Green Infrastructure and Landscape |
Objective GI. O2: Investigate the feasibility of providing a wetland amenity area on lands comprising the former Sugar Factory lagoons, in conjunction with relevant stakeholders and local community groups, taking account of the environmental sensitivities of the land and the need to ensure impacts to biodiversity and nature conservation interests are avoided.
The feasibility of providing a wetland amenity area on lands comprising the former Sugar Factory lagoons will be investigated during the lifetime of the plan. The provision of the wetland amenity area is envisioned as a longer-term objective.
Chapter 11 – Climate Action |
Objective CA. O1: Support, in conjunction with key stakeholders, the preparation and implementation of the Climate Action Plans for County Carlow and County Laois, and to facilitate their role as a driver in the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and climate change adaptation in Carlow-Graiguecullen, and the translation of national climate policy to local and community levels in the joint urban area. |
Carlow County Council and Laois County Council adopted Climate Action Plans in 2024. The actions contained in these plans will be supported through the implementation of the JULAP. |
Objective UR. O1: Leverage all available funding streams which will support and deliver urban regeneration outcomes in Carlow-Graiguecullen which seek to secure climate resilience and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in the joint urban area. |
Refer to Objective URD. O1 |
Objective EE. O3: Retrofit all non-LED local authority public lighting in Carlow-Graiguecullen to high efficiency LED lanterns to contribute to meeting statutory energy efficiency targets, and to significantly reduce emissions and achieve cost savings with energy and maintenance efficiencies.
The retrofit of all non-LED local authority public lighting in Carlow-Graiguecullen to high efficiency LED lanterns is ongoing work that will continue to be progressed during the lifetime of the plan, and subject to resources and the availability of suitable funding mechanisms. |
NOTE: Amendment No.’s. 52 - 60 are all located within the functional area of Carlow County Council
Amendment No. 52 Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 to rezone lands at Castleoaks from Agriculture and Open Space and Amenity to New Residential(2.5ha).
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Amendment No. 53 Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 to rezone lands at Brownshill Road from Strategic Reserve to New Residential(2.5ha).
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Amendment No. 54 Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 to rezone lands at Pollerton Manor from (i) Enterprise and Employment to New Residential (3ha) and (ii) Enterprise and Employment to Strategic Reserve (3ha).
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Amendment No. 55 Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 to rezone lands at Pollerton Big from Existing Residential / Infill to Strategic Reserve (c.40ha).
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Amendment No. 56 Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 to rezone lands at Carrickbrook from Existing Residential / Infill to Strategic Reserve (2ha).
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Amendment No. 57 Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 to rezone lands at off Eastern Relief Road from Community Education to Enterprise and Employment (2.5ha).
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Amendment No. 58 Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 to rezone lands at off the R 448 (Dublin Road – Opposite MSD Lands) from Community / Education to Enterprise and Employment (4.5ha).
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Amendment No. 59 (i) Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 to (i) zone lands along the towpath of the River Barrow to Open Space and Amenity and (ii) Update Green Infrastructure Map 10.3.
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Amendment no. 59 (ii) Include proposed open space and amenity lands (arising from Amendment No. 59(I) along the towpath of River Barrow in Green Infrastructure Map 10.3
Amendment No. 60 Landuse Zoning Map - Clarification on Zoning Error of Map Published online (online mapping illustrated site as open space and amenity incorrectly),
Note: Site was correctly identified as new residential in printed copies and considered as zoned new residential for the purposes of the core strategy, Infrastructure Assessment etc)
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NOTE: Amendment No’s 61 – 63 are all located within the functional area of Laois County Council.
Amendment No. 61 Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 to zone 0.15ha to the north of the N80 as Strategic Reserve and extend the development boundary.
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Amendment No. 62 Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 to zone 1.32ha to the north of the N80 as Strategic Reserve and extend the development boundary.
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Amendment No. 63 Amend Landuse Zoning Map 12.1 at Leighlin Road providing an amended configuration of New Residential zoned land and Public Open Space and Amenity providing:
- Proposed rezoning of 0.5ha from New Residential to Open Space and Amenity.
- Proposed rezoning of 0.69ha from Open Space and Amenity to New Residential
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Amendment No 64. Mapping Amendment Map 12.1 and 12.2
- Update description for flood zones provided in the legend of Map 12.1 and 12.2.
- Update flood zones to exclude presence of defended areas and to include NIFM datasets
“Flood Zone A: 1% AEP (or a 1 in 100 chance of occurring in any given year”
“Flood Zone B: 0.1% AEP (or a 1 in 1000 chance of occurring in any given year”
Land Use Zoning Map – Amendments 52 – 63