Chapter 10 - Natural Heritage Green Infrastructure & Landscape
Section 10.2.2 Carlow Town Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025
Amendment No. 43 Include additional Policy GI. P15 (page 186) supporting the National Biodiversity Action Plan, new text in green.
GI. P15: To have regard to the objectives and targets in the National Biodiversity Action Plan as appropriate in the future development of the Carlow-Graiguecullen Joint Urban Area.
Amendment No. 44 Amend text of ‘Green Infrastructure – Objectives GI.O2’ (page 186). Additional text in green.
GI.O2: Investigate the feasibility of providing a wetland amenity area on lands comprising the former Sugar Factory lagoons, in conjunction with relevant stakeholders and local community groups, taking account of the environmental sensitivities of the land and the need to ensure impacts to biodiversity and nature conservation interests are avoided while detailing recommendations for the ecological and hydrological management of the site.
Section 10.4 Landscape
Amendment No. 45 Insert additional text in green to 3. River Corridors, General Recommendations Section 10.4 ‘Landscape’ (page 189).
7. Developments along the river corridor should seek to support biodiversity enhancement along the river system including aquatic and riparian biodiversity.
Section 10.1 Designated Sites
Amendment No. 46 Amend Map 10.1 to illustrate full extent of SAC boundary within and adjoining JULAP Boundary (page 179).
Draft Map
Proposed Amendment No 46.