Local Economic and Community Plan 2023-2028 - High Level Goals Consultation

Dúnta24 Már, 2023, 17:00 - 14 Aib, 2023, 16:00

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Image of Landscape - Laois LECP 2023-2028 High Level Goals Consultation

The purpose of the LECP, as provided for in the Local Government Reform Act 2014, is to set out, for a six-year period, the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the economic development and the local and community development of County Laois, both by Laois County Council directly and in partnership with other economic and community development stakeholders.

As the framework for the economic development and local/community development of the Local Authority area, the LECP will also be the primary mechanism at local level to bring forward relevant actions arising from the proposed high level goals and other government policies.

Diagram - Framework LECP High Level Goals

What is a High Level Goal?

A High Level Goals is an idea of the future or a desired result that an individual, group or organisation plan and commit to achieve.

The 10 Proposed High Level Goals contain our initial views on what the High-Level Goals for the County should be in the new LECP. They seek to recognise the challenges the County will face over the lifetime of the new LECP. The High-Level Goals are broad in scope, given that future stages of the process will develop more detailed Objectives and Actions.


In order to stimulate debate and encourage participation, Laois LCDC has prepared the following:

  • LECP High Level Goals Consultation Document,
  • Appendix A: Socio economic Statement,
  • Appendix B: Socio Economic Profile of Laois

which can be viewed on the Councils website at https://consult.laois.ie or can be viewed during normal opening hours (excluding public holidays) at:

  • Laois County Council, James Fintan Lalor Ave, Portlaoise, County Laois

Council staff will also be available to answer general queries and provide guidance on the Consultation via email lecp@laoiscoco.ie or via phone on 057-86 64169.

Should any membeof the public wish to make a specific appointmentplease arrange to do so by phoning 057-86 64169 oby email to:  lecp@laoiscoco.ie 


Feedback from individuals and local organisations can help make the process of developing the LECP even stronger. This Plan is for you and your county, and your feedback will help. It is important that the Goals we set ourselves are focussed, locally relevant, realistic but aspirational.

We invite your feedback and views on these Goals. Your insight will be vital in ensuring that they reflect these aims, resulting in a Plan which can have a meaningful impact in allowing representatives from the Council, communities, and businesses to work together so that our investments support an improved quality of life for people living and working in the County

Submissions and observations in relation to the proposed LECP 2023-2028 High level Goals Consultatioare invited from members of the public and other interested  parties/stakeholdersChildren, or groups or associations representing the interests of children, can also make submissions or observations.

Submissions and observations can be made as follows:

[i] Through the relevant consultation portal: https://consult.laois.ie

[ii] by email to: lecp@laoiscoco.ie

[iii] in writing marked "LECP – High Level Goals Consultation" and sent to the following relevant address:

  • Laois County CouncilA/Chief Officer, Laois Local Community Development Committee, Community Dept, James Fintan Lalor Ave, PortlaoiseCountyLaois.

All submissions should be in one medium only i.e. hard copy or via the consultation portal online or by email. This will avoid the duplication of submission reference numbers and will streamline the process.

Include your name and address and, where relevantdetails of any organisationcommunity group or company you represent on a separate page to the content of your submissionin order to assist in complying with the provisions of the Data ProtectioAct.

This processing of your personal data ilawfuunder Article 6(1)(e) of the GDPR Regulations.

The Councils Data Protection Policy is available here.



Pamela Tynan
A/Chief Officer

Laois County Council



Local Economic and Community Plan
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