Chapter 7 - Infrastructure Environmental Services

Section 7.2           Public Wastewater Collection & Treatment

Amendment No. 31   A mend Section 7.2 ‘Public Wastewater Collection & Treatment’ (page 122). New text in green, deleted text in red.

7.2            Public Wastewater Collection & Treatment

The Mortarstown Wastewater Treatment Plan (WWTP) provides treatment for the sewerage effluent generated by the Carlow – Graiguecullen joint urban area.  The WWTP has a current treatment capacity of 36, 000 population equivalent (pe).  The Uisce Eireann wastewater capacity register indicates that the WWTP has spare capacity available.  However, improvements and upgrade works are planning by Uisce Eireann for the WWTP to increase its treatment capacity to 58,000pe with a forecasted completion date for this upgrade is  Q2 2029 date of 2027, subject to statutory and regulatory approvals processes.  

Uisce Eireann commenced a Drainage Area Plan for Carlow Town in 2022 to assess the performance of the wastewater networks service in the area. 

The following key drivers were identified from this DAP by Uisce Éireann:

  • Environmental - There are a number of pumping station and combined network overflows in the network, which can discharge either directly or indirectly (via storm water infrastructure) to watercourses such as the River Barrow and Burrin.
  • Hydraulic - It is believed that some sections of the network are operating at or close to capacity which is restricting future development upstream of these areas.
  • Structural - Given the age of some of the sewers within the agglomeration, there is some concern regarding structural integrity of sections of the network. Excessive infiltration has been reported as a significant issue in some areas of the network.
  • Operational - There are instances of blockages and operational issues across the network. Fats, Oils, and Grease (FOGs) are an issue in a number of areas. Odour and septicity have also been reported as an issue.
  • Growth - Carlow-Graiguecullen is identified as a Key Town with a targeted 30% population growth to 2040. UÉ has received a large number of pre-connection enquiries and applications regarding new residential and commercial developments in the area.