Chapter 4 - Economic Development Retail & Tourism
Section Economic Development Policies
Amendment No. 5 Insert additional text to Section ‘Graiguecullen (page 59), new text in green.
Table 6.1 of the RSES (EMRA) outlines the Retail Hierarchy for the Region in which Graiguecullen is designated under Level 3 of the retail hierarchy entitled ‘Town and/or District Centres and Sub-County Town Centres (Key Service Centres).
Section 4.3 Strategic Employment Land
Amendment No. 6 Amend Table 4.2 Strategic Employment Land, No.9 - Former Sugar Factory (page 53), new text in green.
The preparation of a masterplan should accompany any development proposal on this land, to include a vision for the overall land parcel to ensure development does not take place in a piecemeal manner, to ensure that flood risk considerations including storage/mitigation as appropriate informs any future development proposals and that the future development of the site suitably integrates with existing development and infrastructure.